Well, we went from 120+ days of waiting down to just 7. One week from tomorrow, my mom, dad, and I will squeeze into my tightly packed car, full of clothing, shoes, and pictures, and begin our journey to Florida. We plan to drive 10 hours the first day, (Monday), then the remaining 9 on Tuesday. We will be staying at the same hotel as my 7 new, wonderful Disney roommates! On Wednesday the girls and I plan to wake at an ungodly hour, fuel up on coffee and then get in the check-in line. We turn in all our paperwork, get our housing assignment, and then we go to casting! From what I've heard and read on other blogs, casting is where we learn which park we will be at, get fitted for our 'costumes' (not uniforms!) and take our Disney ID photo. Hopefully we will then get some time to unpack and see our new home before our housing meeting. Then either Thursday or Friday we will all go through the Traditions class, where we learn all the history of Disney and then take a short park tour. Underground tunnels, here we come!
The fact that I'm leaving Texas is starting to become realer and realer to me. That last sentence hurts me in that it sounds like awful English, but I can't think of a better way to describe it. I've finally made a lot of headway on packing up my Denton apartment. And praise God, my mom is on her way to Denton right now to help me finish packing. I'm sad to leave this apartment. It really has become home to me and Lucy. She is next to me, peering out 'her' window at this very moment!
I've already said several goodbyes, and absolutely dread all the ones remaining. I wish I could pack everybody up and just take them with me! Who doesn't want to move to Disney World, right? But as much as I know I'll miss everybody, (and Lucy, let's be real), I know that God has me. He is leading me and will use every experience for His glory. So while I'm sad to leave, I am not afraid.
Disney, here we come.
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