Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Beginning

I've always contemplated writing a blog, but since I'm no eloquent writer by any means, this will be the first time I've blogged since the days of Xanga. Oh Xanga...  So anyway, bear with me, for this will probably be long, scattered, and rambling.

What inspired the sudden decision to document my slightly uneventful life?
Early last week, I was accepted into the Disney College Program at Walt Disney World in Orlando for a 7 month stay. I wanted to have a blog to document my experience with Disney and my time there; so I figured I might as well start here, at the beginning.

But let me back up first. I have attended the University of North Texas since Fall of 2007, and this December, I will be walking across that wonderful stage...completing a goal 18 years in the making! I will finally, finally, be done with school.
Like most college seniors, I experienced that "um.. so now what do I do?" feeling and began searching. I had been interested in doing the Disney College Program before, but never found a time when I was willing to give up a semester at UNT, especially after joining Sigma Alpha- the Christian sorority I am in.  Last spring, I learned that I could actually attend the Disney College Program, (DCP from here on out) the semester after I graduated. I began looking into the program and all the possible roles.
To make what could be a long story short, applications opened up in September so- I applied. After completing 2 web-based interviews, I had a phone interview that went really, really well and was told to expect an answer between 2-4 weeks later. 2 days later, I got my confirmation e-mail accepting me into the DCP. 

Now, I've never been a particularly brave individual, eager to embark on a solo adventure somewhere... so the concept of moving to myself...away from friends and family... well that took some time to wrap my head around. Needless to say, this is way outside my comfort zone. I'm still anxious about being so far from home, especially after accepting that my cat, Lucy, will not be able to accompany me, but I think ultimately I'm more excited than nervous now. And I know Lucy will be well taken care of by my parents- who have promised to teach Lucy to use Skype ;)   I know that God will use this amazing opportunity for something great in my life.

I accepted the offer to DCP, picked my program dates, and have even found the girls I'll be living with! My parents and I will being traveling down to Orlando January 15th, driving 10 hours a day for 2 straight days, hoping to have some time to relax on Tuesday before official check in on Wednesday the 18th. I will be living in a 4 bedroom dorm-style apartment with 7 other girls who all seem so nice. I'm actually excited about having so many roommates, because it means there will always be someone around to hang out or visit the parks with. There is a part of me that is ready to begin packing and move in now!

My role at Disney will be as a character attendant, basically following around Tinkerbell, Buzz Lightyear, Snow White... the possibilities are endless! This was my first preference for positions so I was happy & lucky to get it. I'm already eager for the overwhelming amount of pictures I'll be taking there, facebook friends: get prepared.

Okay, I believe this first blog has reached it's end. I think I've covered all the basics- probably forgetting a few minor details but, this adventure is just beginning :)

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